IVF and acupuncture

, an alternative health treatment, involves inserting thin needles at various points on a patient’s body. It was first documented in China about two thousand years ago. However, most people believe that the practice started between three thousand to four thousand years ago. The insertion method and the size and type of needle used can differ widely because different styles came up as acupuncture spread throughout the world. The original Chinese acupuncture is the most common type of acupuncture in America.

is at the forefront of modern medical science. More than eight million kids have been brought forth through IVF since 1978. Genetic evaluation and embryo screening have recently significantly improved over the last decade, leading to soaring implantation rates. On a sincere note, Invitro fertilization has an average success rate of close to 30 percent and 40 percent for women under 35 years. The question therefore is, what is the relationship between IVF and acupuncture? 

What happens during a normal session?

During a typical acupuncture session, you fill health history form, after which the acupuncturist spends some trying to know you better. Then you and your acupuncturist review the form together and ask you questions on your fertility journey, including your overall health so that your physician can come up with a customized treatment plan that fits your situation.

After the discussion, the acupuncturist takes your pulse rate and looks at your tongue since these are crucial parts of the diagnostic process. You then lie on a massage table, and your acupuncturist inserts a fine needle at various points on your body. Finally, you are allowed to lie quietly for about twenty-five minutes in a dimly lit, warm room with nice music playing. The physician will regularly check on you to ensure you are comfortable.

At what fertility sage should one consider acupuncture?

Fertility acupuncture is useful at any stage of the process. Acupuncture assists in enhancing enhance fertility by calming the nervous system, reducing anxiety and stress, thereby improving blood flow in the reproductive system. 

How often should one go for fertility acupuncture treatment?

Emerging research shows that women who get regular acupuncture have more chances of pregnancy and live births. However, it would be best if you allowed your physician to guide you in developing a treatment plan that fits your unique health requirements, including financial constraints and time. Some studies indicate that at least two acupuncture sessions after pre-embryo and post-embryo transfer enhance pregnancy rates. 

How does acupuncture aid fertility?

Acupuncture works through several mechanisms to increase fertility. Acupuncture regulates reproductive hormones and improves blood circulation in the ovaries and uterus. Improved blood circulation enhances responsiveness to the implantation of embryos. Nevertheless, acupuncture benefits are not just physical.

Research supporting acupuncture for anxiety and depression treatment is compelling. Any person who has gone through fertility treatment will tell you that emotional stress management is not a walk in the park. Fertility acupuncture aids in regulating the nervous system to releases neurochemicals that cause feelings of well-being, assisting the patients in coping with treatment.

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